Author: admin

  • The Economy and the Garbage Truck

    On the way to work this morning I was listening to two people on the radio go on and on about the economy and unemployment. Their contention was as soon as the economy starts to grow again companies will begin to rehire employees and unemployment will drop. I was just starting to agree with what they were saying when I noticed the garbage truck in front of me. Whoismontgomeryclift It was at that point I begin to realize that the garbage truck epitomizes the economy and the state of modern business. I am not talking about our economy being in the trash nor am I saying that business is going to the landfill. That is an argument that has more political overtones to it than I care to debate. For this discussion let’s focus on the garbage truck. Scan-TV

    Do you remember your typical garbage truck picking up trash in your residential neighborhood several years ago? In our community it involved a large garbage truck, one driver and two people riding on the back. The two on the back would jump off and empty the trashcans into the back of the truck. Unsorted-jp

    Then the economy went through a small downturn and the garbage companies had to make changes to economize and stay profitable. To do this they restructured their organization and downsized which resulted in one of the two trash handlers on the back of the truck going through an economic layoff. To make this new corporate structure succeed they sent notices to all their customers limiting the number of trashcans that could be placed curbside on trash day to two cans. Clintonresearch

     As the economy continued to stumble and the garbage companies struggled to make a profit for their investors they had to look at other cost cutting measures. The next major change came with the customers receiving notice that the garbage pickup days were being reduced from 2 days per week down to one day per week but the limit of 2 trashcans per pickup remained.

    Then the economy collapsed and the garbage company had to take drastic cost cutting steps to continue operation. They supplied each of their customers with a special standardized garbage can which could be picked up by a special automated garbage truck. Now the only person needed on the truck was the driver. Haus-benedikt

     The result was the last of the trash handlers being unemployed.  Now as the economy starts its slow change from a failing economy to one that is beginning to show signs of growth do you thinks the garbage company is going to rehire the trash handlers they laid off? When the garbage company begins showing strong profits will they increase the days of pickup? They have learned to operate more efficiently, doing the same amount of work using less resources and cost. Nesselandkessellaw

  • Art and Politics

    Art and Politics examines how the combination can be detrimental to the integrity of the artist and to the quality of art produced by a culture as a whole. Art and politics in my view are like mixing oil and water. Granted that many old master paintings would depict political or religious themes. Susanskrit

    Their sponsors were either church or state. That was not the painter’s primary objective though, as evidenced by the quality of their works. If their objective was only to produce propaganda on behalf of their benefactors, we would not have the exquisite paintings hanging in the world’s museums today that convey transcendence over subject matter, suggesting the sublime universal answers to human existence. Canadayiquan

    To produce propaganda the artist must subordinate his personality and artistic theories to that purpose. The old masters were painting for the purpose of their own understanding of the world and of art.My first college level art class was taught by a young professor who distributed to the class, although not as required reading and distributed innocuously, the writings of Chairman Mao on Art. Was it a subtle form of indoctrination? Probably and I am glad to have dumped them in a waste basket where they belonged. Happeningharyana

    The point being is that art is a powerful medium which those with political aspirations or already in power, want to manipulate toward their own ends. Sikhsocietyofmanitoba

     Totalitarian regimes will attack art and artist upon their seizing of power and dictate an aesthetic afterwards that would serve as a propaganda tool to further their political ends. The results are barren cultures such as Nazi Germany or the former Soviet Union from which not one significant work of art was ever created. Champhai

    Art for art’s sake is an idea I subscribe to. If the purpose of a work of art is subordinate to an agenda it becomes an illustration. A means to an end such as a Madison Avenue advertising campaign promoting soap or the next dictator. Letterpressdesigns

  • Economic and Political Perspective 2010

    Thai economic growth is projected to rise between approximately 4 to 5 percent on higher exports and rising economic fundamentals in 2010, reflecting increases in tourist arrivals and employment, as well as the new AFTA Asian Free Trade Agreement. However, political difficulties and domestic turbulence should also be factored in. 031235537. xyz Gold has recently decreased about $50 per ounce on lagging demand in world markets with an overall 11% drop in demand in 2009 from 2008. Locally, current prices have relaxed with prices in Bangkok at 17,300 baht for buying rates, while gold was selling at 17,400 baht earlier this week. 031235533. xyz This week the baht was trading at just under 33.2 to the dollar while the Japanese yen traded at 100 yen to 36.33 -36.45 baht. The battered euro was trading at near 45 baht to the euro. Glieseshirt On the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), shares have recently declined about 10% from their 9 month highs on January 10-11, 2010 to current market levels of approximately 700 points for the main index. 031235500. xyz Most European and Asian markets lost momentum Thursday, plunging in response to the U. S. Federal Reserve Bank’s surprise announcement of a.25% rise in the emergency loan rate it charges to banks. 031235509. xyz

    Negative risks weighing on Thailand’s economic prospects include the uncertainty posed by the fate of approximately 65 industrial projects worth billions of dollars still awaiting the Central Administrative Court’s ruling on whether they will be allowed to continue due to environmental lawsuits brought by local villagers, threatened protests by the UDD/ PhueaPandin. Thai Red Shirt allied activists at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi International Airport and other venues, as well as fears of political threats and uncertainties regarding the asset seizure of former deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s $76 billion baht against senior political figures and Supreme Court judges involved in the final decision, due on February 26. 031235514. xyz The assets were seized amid allegations of corruption and Mr. Thaksin’s failure to return in August 2008 to appear to face charges after being allowed to fly to Hong Kong after posting bail to travel to the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. 031235611. xyz Since then, Mr. Thaksin has made a variety of countries his temporary home including London, Dubai, China and Cambodia, while recent tensions between Cambodia and Thailand have also emerged at a variety of international high level meetings, such as the recent ASEAN meeting in Hua Hin. Hun Sen has dubiously offered the former Thai prime minister free access and a safe haven while appointing him Cambodia’s economic advisor, a move the current Thai government in Bangkok considers interfering in its sovereignty, judicial system and internal politics, allowing that Thailand and Cambodia have extradition treaties, which Cambodia has failed to fulfill in regard to Mr. Thaksin.

  • The Integration of Faith and Politics

    The church is God’s community; this is a spiritual community of faith with mandate to represent the interest of God on earth. Through this spiritual community, God wants to reach out to the secular community. We are to evangelize the community towards God. This is our first assignment to preach repentance. And then demonstrate the daikon and apostolic mandate. Acts6:1-8.We are to minister to the whole man, we need to provide life coaching. The only institution which has answers for dying world is the church. 031235554. Xyz Stewardship is required in our communities. Who is a steward? A steward is anyone charged with a responsibility to take good care of that which is not his or her hence liable to give a full account of his or her stewardship ” It is required that a steward be found faithful”1 corinthians4vs2. 031235531. xyz Every steward is accountable to the one who appointed him or to his master, in this case a nation and its natural or financial resources are God’s property and people are God’s creation. We are charged with responsibility and duty whether as politicians, clergymen, community leaders or traditional leadership to Manage, Develop and Preserve what God has created.  Two words will repeatedly come out whenever you find the word stewardship in any context,” Responsibility” and “accountability” We are to preserve the nation from spiritual, morally and social corruption and contamination by any means. We are to manage, develop and preserve the national, social economical, spiritual and public affairs and properly manage the national resources, national investments, and national treasury. 031235499. xyz We have a duty and responsibility to improve the social, economical and moral standards of our communities as church leaders. It’s unfortunate that the church avoided anything which involves community. 031235630. xyz Ungodly people corrupt society, Corruption is actually sin and gross wickedness which delays the social, political, economical and spiritual progress of a country. 031235638. Xyz When a nation denounces the authority of God and godly principle of governance a seed of decay and erosion of morality, justice, peace, integrity and the fear of God takes place. This will lead a nation into a serious social and moral breakdown beyond human comprehension. 031235589. xyz Community leadership is ordained by God and not by man, according to the book of Romans13:1 both the government and its citizens has responsibility towards each other and also towards God as the creator and owner of everything. Every one needs to treat national duty and national leadership as sacred God is concerned how we rule and how we govern his people, though in society today we may have different kinds of systems but the final account will be given to God. The rule of God through Godly leadership by prophets or priest or clergy is called a theocracy. 031235629. xyz biblical system or order but the word government has repeatedly appeared in the scriptures Romans13:2. 031235623. Xyz

     While democracy is the work of man through philosophy and politics, government and authority ids ordained by God. Legend politician Margret Thatcher once admitted in a public speech that “We cannot make it without religion” What she meant was we cannot make it without God; A godless society is an evil society. 031235536. xyz